
How to Clean the Rims on Your Car

Cleaning rims on your car is no longer a challenge your pressure washer will excel in getting the tough stains of brake dust and grease from your rims.

To clean your rims really well you may wish to purchase some rim cleaner, there are several brands at auto supply companies and discount department stores. It only takes a little bit of product
to clean rims with your Ex-Cell unit and you will be amazed at the results.

Follow this easy step by step method

  1. First Step back about two feet and a little off to the side of the rim then Rinse the rim at close range, about 8 inches away while trying to spray in the cracks and from many angles.
  2. Spray the rim in circular motion following the out side of the rim and rinse the tire also, especially if you have white walls.
  3. Put the wand down and spray the Rim Cleaner on the tire and white walls, rinse the white wall this time from 5 inches away, but stand back.
  4. Hold the pressure washer wand and tip and follow the white wall around the tire.
  5. Next spray the rim with Rim Cleaner generously and allow ten seconds to pass then rinse the rim at about 8 inches away with the Ex-Cell Pressure Washer.

Always clean the rims first and after you are done with the entire car rinse the rims slowly from a distance and dry.

Washing your car inside and out

Washing your car several times per month, or even once a week, can keep your cars body in tip-top shape

Before you start washing your car, you will want to gather all the necessary supplies. You’ll need access to water- usually through a garden hose or pressure washer, a bucket, soap, sponges or soft cloths, scrub brush, glass cleaner, paper towels (or newspapers) and any other cleaning materials you may wish to use.

Once you have everything together, fill up the bucket with soap and water, making it really sudsy. Be sure to use a soap that is made to wash cars- shampoo and dish soap really won’t do the job.

Begin with the wheels. It is important to have clean wheels because they are in constant contact with the road, and can be prone to corrosion caused by brake dust. You are riding on your tires, and your safety depends on them. Be sure they are clean! You’ll want to use lots of soapy water and a scrub brush to get them clean. You may also need to use a degreaser. You may need to use some good ˜ole elbow grease to get down deep in the tread to get all the dirt and debris. Once clean, rinse them good. Then, you can also use polish your tires and wheel covers to give a finishing touch.

Next, start on the car itself. Start by hosing down the car to get the surface wet. Then, start with small sections at a time so you can pay close attention to detail.

Next, you can wax/polish your car. This will rally help protect your car from the elements like dirt, road salt, pollutions and other debris.. Apply the wax to one panel section at a time using a dry cloth. After the wax dries, you can buff it with a towel. One coat is enough to make it shine- but heck, you can add another coat or two of you want to make it really shine! The wax job can last about two months.

While the interior really doesn’t help maintain the car itself, it’s just nice to have a clean car inside out. After you are done washing and waxing, start by vacuuming the floors, mats and seats. You may need to use the attachments to be able to get in all the nooks and crannies. (Crumbs are everywhere!) If you have rubber mats, those can be washed along with the exterior and laid out to dry. Replace them after the car is cleaned inside. Next, wipe down all the interior surfaces with a damp cloth. Then, just like you did the outside windows, do the same for the inside. Some people like to use a polish to make the dashboard shine. Just don’t polish the steering wheel! It’ll make it slippery.

Washing The Motorhome in Spring Time

When washing your motor home there are two choices. Do it yourself or have some one do it for you.

If you are convinced on doing it yourself here are some tips.

  • First you’ll need a brush with soft bristles. It is best to find one with an 18-inch width. The normal truck washing brushes you find at the RV shops are only 12 inches and are soft bristled however, having and extra 6-inch width will cut your scrubbing time by a third
  • You will also need a bucket.It is better to use a bucket that the window washers use, since
    it is rectangular
  • Most Motor Coach and Trailer Manufacturers recommend that you do not use Clothes
  • washing soaps or dishwashing soaps. All temperature Cheer or Extra Action Tide are excellent for clothes but not too helpful in cleaning your motor home. We recommend a soap, which is specially made for gel coats

Now that you have all the proper and safe supplies, you can start. Be sure to shut all windows, sunlights, and vents. It is important to open all portable awnings to prevent water from getting in between and causing rotting, also to thoroughly clean them. You should begin by rinsing the top of the unit first. Be sure to remove debris, leafs, stagnant water and dirt.

Fill up the bucket with water. Only use two-three capfuls of soap per bucket. By this time the water is dripping from the top around the side. Spray the rest of the motor home off to make sure it is
all wet. Start washing the sunny side first.

Dip your brush in the bucket and go for it. When you get to rims, handles, and window borders, use the Soap Square or mitt, try to Hand soap these areas

When you are done soaping immediately rinse. Take the brush, rinse it and hit it against the driveway in a vertical direction to get all the soap and water off. Then take a big terry cloth towel and rap it around the brush and handle and dry off the side of the motor home drying the windows first before the towel gets too wet. When cleaning rollout awnings be careful no to push too hard, short quick strokes are best. Rinse for about two minutes

Dry as high as you can reach comfortably and dry the rest with the towel tied to the brush.
Repeat this process for all sides; you can take you time and move slower on the shady sides since there is no problem with water spotting in the shade. Expect the entire wash to take anywhere
from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours.

Cleaning Tanker Truck with High Pressure Cleaning Heads

The high pressure cleaning heads comprises of a tubular body whose one end may be connected to a hose. The other end of the head consists of nozzles with holes that let out a sharp jet of water. The heads are mostly hemispheric allowing a wide angle for cleaning

The following information should be taken into consideration prior to ordering these high-pressure cleaning heads for tanker truck cleaning.

  • The size of the truck
  • The substance in the tank to be cleaned.
  • Horsepower, gallons per minute, PSI, etc of the pressure washer the cleaning head is to be used with.
  • Size of the access area or duct

There are a variety of pressure washers that are used to provide different types of tanker truck cleaning solutions. The heads are designed to clean tanker trucks whose containers diameter is or can be a maximum of 15

For large tanker truck cleaning there are power washer heads with maximum PSI up to 2900 and the gallons per minute varying from 52.8 to 2.1. The maximum temperature these heads can withstand is 194°F. These outlets of these heads have small nozzles (maximum four) that allow water to flow in pressure. The smaller the nozzles the more is the pressure. The heads are available with a variety of sizes to suit the customers needs. The inlet from the hose is either of 1 or ½. Some of these serve the purpose of both open and closed containers. There are other heads with lower maximum PSI up to 435. Some of the heads may require to be lubricated from time to time while some do not need lubrication at all. The type of lubrication required could be either oil or wash fluid lubrication. These heads are best used for tanker trunk cleaning of trucks used for carrying chemicals, beverages, pharmaceutical products and food processing material.

The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else’s property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.

How to Clean a Dirty Truck Engine

Before you start work on your engine, you might find that warming your engine, and letting it run for a minute or two, helps to loosen off some of the dirt. Warmth can make the grease, mud and whatever else slightly more malleable, meaning that it can be scrubbed off.

Look for Cover

Since you will be working with water, it is important to cover all of the electrical parts of your engine in order to prevent water from getting in and damaging your circuits. The distributor, air filter, coil, and the oil dipstick will all have to be covered over. Use plastic bags from supermarkets and elastic bands.


Use a degreaser to really get to the dirt. This should be non-alcohol or petrol based. A citrus domestic cleaner will do the job well. Leave for a couple of minutes, and then sub over with water, using a toothbrush to remove any obstinate dirt.

Get the Best Results when Pressure Washing Your Airplane

Beyond the guidelines set forth in the preparation and safety tips, there are a few tricks to get the best results on your airplane pressure washing and out of your power washing equipment.

1. Work in small sections at a time, about three feet wide.
2. Rinse before proceeding to the next section to make sure that the cleaning solution does not sit on the surface for more than ten minutes to avoid streaking.
3. Use power washer accesories to make your job easier and more efficient, such as extension wands and rotating brushes.
4. Avoid pressure washing your airplane in the sun while the fuselage is hot because the pressure washing chemicals might react with the heat.
5. Always rinse generously with plenty of fresh water.

Benefits of Pressure Washing your Airplane Regularly

Keeping your aircraft clean is vital not only for appearance but mainly for safety and efficiency.

*Dirt accumulates in crevices of the airframe structure and it can result in corrosion spots.
*Non-pressurized aircraft that fly at lower altitudes accumulate a great deal of bugs.
*Normal engine operation and reverse thrust upon landing results in exhaust build up on the sides and tail.

Furthermore, the regular habit of power washing your airplane helps you grow familiar with the little details that make a big difference.

A trained eye will notice an irregularity such as a small leak or a defective rivet. Airplane pressure washing is not only safer but will also result in reduced drag and therefore higher fuel efficiency.

Preparing your Airplane for Pressure Washing

Before you start to pressure wash your aircraft, make sure that you have all the tools that you will need close at hand. You will need your pressure washer, any any attachments you may have, cleaning materials for your windshield, and your basic toolset in case you discover any issues with the plane.

Also, if you are going to clean the outside of your plane, you may as well work on the inside as well, so pick up appropriate upholstery cleaner and make sure you have a vacuum on hand for the carpets.

Check the pressure washer nozzles to see if they are clean since a clogged nozzle will increase the pressure in the water spray and it might damage the finish of your aircraft.

If you don’t have pressure washer attachments to make the job easier, you may want to consider purchasing an extension wand to reach the highest spots and a rotating power washer brush to clean the exhaust build up.

Do a mental walk-through of the procedure to plan the sequence in which you will wash each section so that you can perform a uniform pressure washing operation once you start.

How to Clean your Aircraft with a Pressure Washer

The recommended procedure to pressure wash your airplane is to start at the tail and work your way to the nose, from top to bottom.

Starting at the tail, turn the airplane rudder to the left and then to the right so you can clean areas of the rudder with your pressure washer that are only exposed while in use.

When you reach the fuselage, start from the bottom and work your way up. Make sure to spend time on the nose, removing any bugs or dirt that may have accumulated. You should avoid power washing the windshield and rather use a strong sponge and a squeegie or chamois cloth to dry it without streaks (try a vinegar and water solution for anything particularly hard to remove).

Use extra cleaning agents around the engine and engine mounts. If necessary use power washer brushes to clean heavy exhaust out. These rotating brushes will make the job much easier.

Proceed to the wings and flaps (lower flaps to clean hidden areas, as you did with the rudder). While you are there, look closely for any wear and tear.

Finally, power wash the wheels and landing gear and rinse everything with plenty of water.

Aircraft Cleaning and Washing Basics

When learning how to wash and clean airplanes, there are many things that are quite different than the cleaning of other objects like cars and trucks for instance.

What about actual washing or spraying of aircraft; for example, not spraying directly on the aircraft windows?

Water used to wash aircraft contains detergents and traces of oils, hydrocarbons and solvents. These substances are pollutants and must not be directed to storm water.

Pollutants entering the storm water network eventually make their way out to the ocean where they cause damage to plant and animal life

Aircraft Washing Procedures

Use a high pressure hose and if possible waterless wash aircraft

Use a biodegradable, phosphate free detergent

Use the minimal amount of detergent

Wastewater is to be recovered from aircraft washing using bunding equipment and a wet vacuum or similar equipment

Operators must dispose of wash water at a suitable location off Airport in accordance with the SA Water Trade Waste General Policy

Operators are to ensure they have a SA Water Level 3 Water Restriction Permit for aircraft washing. Application forms can be downloaded from the SA Water website www.sawater.com.au

Operators must have (MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET) MSDS information readily available for products used in washing


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