
Aquarium Glass

General Info:
Regularly cleaning the aquarium glass keeps the tank neat and attractive.


  • Inside – Commercial pad-type scrubbers are abrasive enough to remove algae and other growths, but not enough to scratch the glass. The new, plastic blade scrapers are even more effective, but dull fairly quickly. Single edge razor blades are even more effective, but care must be taken not to scratch the glass or slice into a seal. Each style works best if held directly in the hand, but long-handled or magnetic models are available for those who wish to remain dry.
  • Outside – A squeegee works very well if there is no concern about a little water on the floor, but a soft cloth or paper towel with plain water works, too. Ammonia based glass cleaning chemicals can be carefully used on the outside of the tank, but they should be sprayed on the cloth rather than the tank itself, to avoid contaminating the aquarium. Plain newspaper, lightly moistened with plain water, gives amazingly streak-free results.
  • Great care should be taken to avoid scratching the glass. This is most often done by using too abrasive a cleaner, or by getting aquarium gravel trapped in the cleaning device and dragging it across the glass.
  • Acrylic (Plexiglas) aquariums require extra special care, as they are easily scratched by common glass-cleaning devices or chemically damaged by glass-cleaning chemicals. Use only products specially labelled as safe for acrylic.
  • By Jim Kostich

Aquariums & Fish Tanks

General Info:
On (hopefully very rare) occasion, the aquarium hobbyist will find a need to “nuke” an aquarium – that is, to remove all fish, then thoroughly clean the tank and hopefully remove most of the parasites and parasites it may have contained. Such drastic measures are of course most often undertaken after a massive outbreak of disease, but may be sometimes used to prepare an aquarium for a challenging species or for breeding certain delicate egglayers.

  • Potassium Permanganate – is an excellent oxidizing agent that can destroy most organic compounds, then itself breaks down into quite harmless compounds. We have used Jungle’s “Clear Water” at five to ten times the directed dose with very good results. After adding permanganate, stir the gravel, then allow to percolate through the filter system until the pink/purple color begins to turn brown. Completely drain and refill the tank, and it should be ready to go again in a few hours.
  • Chlorine Bleach – is even more effective, but harder to remove, and more dangerous if not 100% neutralized. Add about one teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water, and let flow through the system for one hour. Then, remove all water, refill, and add any cheap chlorine neutralizer at about 10 times its normal dose. Wait another hour, then change all water and refill again. Caution: this treatment kills everything, including beneficial bacteria, so tank will certainly cycle again once fish are added. It may also fade artificial plants and colored gravels.
  • Aquarium Salt – is less effective than either of the above, but very safe and easy to remove. Perhaps the best way to utilize salt is to drain the tank first, then make a slurry of a handful of salt to scrub glasses and stir into gravel. Repeat until all surfaces have been scrubbed. This highly concentrated salt solution is very deadly to most parasites. After treatment, fill, drain completely, and refill the tank before using.
  • Fresh Water – is to a salt water tank what the above salt method is to a freshwater tank. To administer, simply drain the marine aquarium, then refill with fresh water. Allow to filter for 24 hours, then drain and refill with salt water.

Any “nuked” tank might go through a “New Tank Syndrome”, so the aquarist should be prepared and restart with a few, hardy fish. Also, please read product labels for directions on how to safely handle chemicals.

By Jim Kostich

Fish Tank Filters

General Info:

  • Aquarium filters are marvelous devices, saving aquarists a lot of work as they collect waste products for easier removal. But that “removal” remains the hobbyist’s job, and one that should not be taken lightly.
  • Nearly all filters, even so-called “biological” filters like undergravels and certain slow-flow canisters, perform “mechanical” filtration; that is, they collect a certain amount of solid waste. Some, like most power filters and fast-flow canisters, are specifically designed to collect such waste efficiently, rather than allow it to accumulate in the aquarium.
  • But collecting waste is only the beginning, with removal and disposal completing the picture. Is it good enough to just collect garbage in the kitchen wastebasket indefinitely, without ever taking it out to the garbage truck? (Men and teenagers: ask your wives or mothers if not sure about this.) Well, it’s not good enough to simply put a filter on an aquarium, and consider the job done.
  • For one thing, aquarium filters often double as circulation/aeration devices. As they become clogged with waste products, their flow rates drop or even cease altogether, drastically reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen available for the livestock. In extreme cases, whole tanks full of fish can be lost in a few hours. Under less drastic circumstances, fish can become more prone to disease and overall health and growth can be diminished.
  • But even if there is adequate circulation from other sources, there’s no good reason to allow filters to become overloaded with waste. Rotting waste in a filtration device fouls the water every bit as much as rotting waste in the aquarium itself. In fact, it can be said that a filter isn’t a filter unless it’s cleaned.By Jim Kostich

Dried Cat Feces

Gooch asks “How do I remove old cat feces once it has dried on a tile floor?”

There is no real fast way, however it would be easiest if you used an enzyme based cleaner.  Many laundry spotters and powders contain enzymes.  Make a paste and cover with a towel and water and let sit for a half hour, by the time you return the mess would have re-hydrated and wipe off easily.

Fish Ponds

This question was submitted from EMEADS.

“We have a small fish pond which keeps getting an algae build up. We have a pump, biological filter and a U.V.C. light filter. Any suggestions?”

Try these techniques :

The first thing to do is remove excess debris; use a pool skimmer or make a skimmer yourself by stretching an old pair a pantyhose over a wire clothes hanger.

If the pond is really bad you may have to empty the pond and clean. Do this no more than once per year by removing fish, etc., and draining the water and cleaning the pond. Be sure to use a de-chlorinating agent for the water in the bucket or wading pool you use as a holding tank for the fish (use 50:50 fresh water and pond water).

Remove silt and debris from the bottom of the pond (it makes good fertilizer).

If you have plants, remove and place in a shady area so they do not dry out.

Use a brush to scrape down the sides.

When refilling the pond, pour half of the holding tank water in the pond to inoculate the pond with healthy bacteria for the fish; fill the pond and be sure to use a de-chlorinating agent. Be sure to reintroduce the fish slowly by filling the fish holding tank with water of the same temperature as the water in the pond. Fill the 50% you emptied in the pond and empty another 50% into the pond and then fill again so you slowing are changing the water temp.

Be sure to clean the filtration system, usually just by rinsing with water – any soap residue will harm the fish.

Be sure you have removed much of the pond water before trying to net the fish – it will be easier than trying to catch them with the water full.

You should also not clean your pond more than one per year since it take time for the beneficial bacteria to build up.

If you want to clean without going to the extreme of empting the pond then use a rake and pull the debris and scoop it out, but be gentle so you don’t stir up the pond to badly.

The easiest way to keep the algae down is maybe to increase the scavengers in the pond and regular skimming of the pond to remove leaves etc. Snails, mussels and tadpoles all remove the wastes created by plants and fish, inhibiting the growth of algae. A good rule of thumb is one scavenger per square foot of surface.

Pet Hair

Here is a tip for cleaning pet hair off anything, in particular upholstery.(submitted by Karin)

It really works and you don’t have to lug out the vacuum cleaner. Just wear a damp rubber glove and swipe over the couch, pillows clothes or even area rugs. This method will remove the hair by clumping it all together and then you can simply lift it off. You won’t believe how effective it is.

Cloudly Pool Water

Here is a question from Angelina;

I can’t get the little particles out of my pool, they just go through the net.

Pool season is once again upon us, which is great except all the work to get the pool going.

What would help you a great deal is a clarifier which helps maintain the sparkle by coagulating small particles into larger masses which will enable your filter or skimmer to remove them. You should add clarifier as part of your start up procedure. You should read the directions of the brand you buy however since there are many chemical makers with different concentrations etc.

Watch the filter pressure and back wash as necessary since the particulates will fill the filter (which is what you want in order to have sparkling water).

A pool supply store is a great resource, they usually test your water for free and they test everything from ph to calcium hardness etc. which is essential if you want your pool components to last. Have Fun!

Dye Out of Paper Bills (Money)

This question was submitted from Mr. B.

“Do you know how to clean dyed money ?”

Hmmmm, laundering money? If our tip works do we get a cut? If the dye is from a marker, or pen we would suggest acetone.

If it is from, say, a loaded bundle of twenties, lifted from your local financial institution, I have been told that this dye is very, very permanent. In fact a show I watched said it was made from a similar dye used to print money, which if true, would mean if you CAN find a way to successfully remove the dye, you would also rub out George Washington.

Try these techniques :

My first shot would be the acetone, and failing that there are some very powerful solvents such as GOOF OFF, which are available at your local home center, which are used for graffiti removal that might work.

If all else fails, you can wait for the heat to die down, move upstate, and hope the story about dropping a tin of paint into your wallet holds up. Even so I wouldn’t worry too much, I think most lawyers will take dirty money!

Good luck staying on the outside.

Algae or Mold From a Water Cooler

Ken asks:  How do I get rid of algae build up from my water cooler?”

If the algae is in the cooler itself you will have to rinse it out with a disinfecting solution. You can get a food safe disinfectant from any janitorial supply store (check your Yellow Pages under Janitorial supplies).

Or you can use a solution of 1 part chlorine bleach and 3 parts water and using a empty water bottle cycle some of the solution through the cooler, it is very important that you rinse the cooler with water very well after cleaning.

If the algae or mold is in the front, use the same solution and spray and wipe.  You may have to use a medium brush or scrubber to remove some of the more stubborn mildew.

For best results you should remove the drip tray and soak it (in the same solution) for ten minutes to kill all mildew residue and rinse well.

If the color of the cooler is dark and you are afraid the bleach will affect the color of the cooler you should seek out the professional disinfectant from a janitorial supply store. The thing to realize about mildew is it thrives in wet dark environments, so be sure that the drip tray is emptied daily to reduce the ability of the mildew to form and grow.

It is always best to test a small area first before cleaning with techniques or chemicals you have not used before on the surface you are cleaning.

Best of luck



To clean Uggs, remove as much surface dirt as possible, if they are muddy, knock off as much as possible and allow the rest to dry.

Using a soft brush, loosen the dried mud. Use a suede brush in a circular motion, rubbing gently to bring back up the nap.


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