
Crazy Glue From Formica

Do you have any suggestions as to how to get superglue off formica?

Super glue didn’t get the name “super” for no reason.

It is tough to get superglue off of anything, however if the formica, or laminate is a non-textured (ie smooth) finish, you actually have a good shot.

Acetone can help break down superglue. It has been the most common ingredient in fingernail polish remover, however more and more companies are using alternate, less aggressive chemicals. You will find small containers available at your local home center. This should not damage the counter, and it should break the bond between the counter and the glue.

Before making that trip, get a safety razor. Even a utility knife blade, wrapper with tape on one edge for safety, will suffice. Add water to the area, along with a few drops of dish soap. Mix the soap all over so the surface is very slippery.

Hold the taped side of the utility blade (or the metal edge on the safety straight blade) and run the blade across the counter at a very narrow angle. The blade should be almost parallel to the counter. This will not scratch a smooth counter top. Run the blade with some force into the glue spot. If you can catch an edge, it is usually enough to flick the entire blob of glue off the counter.

If residue remains, try cleaning with the nail polish or acetone.

Always take appropriate safety precautions when using chemicals and sharp blades.

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